Frequently Asked Questions
I have paid, what happens next?
Fantastic, welcome aboard! Next you will receive a registration form in your email inbox - check your junk folder. Fill out the form to complete your booking. Full detailed information about the itinerary, menu and reminders about what to bring will be sent out via email a few weeks before your retreat.
I am a solo traveller, can I book a private room?
Unfortunately, due to restrictions in room configurations, we are unable to accommodate solo participants in private rooms. We can book two people into a double occupancy room but you must book together.
I am a nervous singer/complete beginner - can I still take part?
Our retreats are carefully crafted so that all abilities can take part. We ask all our participants what their ability is upon booking which helps us plan accordingly. No one gets left behind and we make sure the music we teach is suitable for everyone who joins us. We'll have you singing in harmony before you even realise!
Will I be asked to sing on my own?
No. We will never ask you to do anything you don't want to do. We aim to create a space where we encourage people to share songs - but only if you want to.
Do I need to be able to read music?
No. We provide music notation and lyrics, or you can simply learn by ear. We try to offer as many different options to accommodate for the different ways of learning. All abilities and skill sets are welcome and catered for.
Can I bring electronic devices?
Yes, you can, but we ask participants to restrict their use to bedrooms only. All communal areas are technology-free-zones which includes phones, laptops, tablets etc. The team will be documenting the weekend for you, with photos, videos and recordings, so you can just relax and enjoy being in the moment!
Can I bring my dog?
Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate dogs. This is because there are two dogs on the team already and any more would cause chaos - especially if all 18 participants brought dogs!
Can children come?
Unfortunately not. Our retreats are for over 18s only.
Can my non-singing partner/friend come?
Unfortunately not. Our retreats are participatory and rely on an active, engaged group to create the magic, singing bubble.
Can I camp/stay in my camper van?
It is often possible for us to accommodate camper vans and sometimes tents. Please get in touch with us before booking to discuss your needs.
Can I stay off site?
Due to the nature of the retreat and the safe, enclosed bubble we create, we don't allow participants to stay elsewhere and travel in for workshops.
Is there any phone reception at the hostel?
The phone signal can be intermittent at the hostels we use but there is a landline for emergencies. You are welcome to use your phone in your bedroom but not in communal areas as we are a no-technology retreat.
Do I have to take part in everything?
No. This is your holiday and you are welcome to dip in and out of the things you don't like. If morning yoga is not your thing, for example, then you are welcome to have a lie in! That being said, this is a communal, participatory weekend so we encourage all our participants to join in with as much as possible to get the most out of the weekend.
Do we help with cooking?
No. You will not need to help with cooking. Food preparation is taken care of by the team whilst you are in workshops. As this is a communal holiday, guests are expected to take responsibility for washing up their own crockery after meal times.
I've never done yoga, can I still take part?
The yoga sessions are designed with complete beginners in mind so that everyone can take part. The sessions are especially put together to prepare your body for singing and you will be strongly encouraged to only stretch your body within it's means. You will be in very safe hands with our experienced teacher who will make sure you know how to do all the poses safely.
I have an injury, will I be able to take part?
Please make sure you let us know upon booking about any relevant injuries or health conditions (you'll be able to do this on your booking form). The team can advise you about workshops, walking and yoga classes. Alternative versions of yoga poses and ways to still take part in workshops and walks without damaging yourself can be recommended. It's really important that you don't push yourself beyond your means so make sure you communicate with us about how you are feeling and what you need.
Can you accommodate food allergies?
All our food is home cooked in a very small kitchen so it is not possible for us to 100% guarantee that food will not get cross contaminated. We do our best to cater for gluten, dairy and nut intolerances as well as provide vegan options. If you have a serious allergy or dietary need which is more complicated, you will need to get in touch with us BEFORE booking to ensure we are able to cater for you.
I don't like the food offered, will there be an alternative?
We will try to cater for everyone as much as possible, however, this is a communal retreat and we can only realistically cook one meal for everyone (taking into account vegan options, intolerances and allergies). If there is something you absolutely can't bear to eat, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Can I use the kitchen to cook my own food?
Unfortunately not. The kitchen is not available to participants and has restricted access except for meal times to keep it clear for the team whilst cooking. A tea and coffee station will be available throughout the day with access to hot drinks, drinking water, fresh fruit and biscuits.
Will the weekend be documented?
Yes! The team will be filming, recording and photographing parts of the weekend and please do bring your own cameras - the more the merrier! We always share scores, lyrics, photos, videos, recipes and more on dropbox afterwards. If you do not wish to have your picture taken for whatever reason, please let us know and we will ensure that you are not included.